Respiratory Tract Diseases, Health of the Elderly, Health Services for the AgedAbstract
The article aims to describe the hospital admissions of the elderly in Brazil between 2012 and 2021. For this, a quantitative and retrospective study was carried out, where public data from the computer department of the Brazilian Unified Health System (DATASUS) were used. The option selected for the search was "General, by place of residence", from January 2012, with Brazil as geographical coverage. During the last ten years, 4,421,899 older people were hospitalized for respiratory conditions throughout Brazil, 50.2% of which were men. The Southeast region showed the highest number of hospitalizations recorded (39%%) and the ethnicity of the self-declared white population was the most pointed (41.5%). There was an increase in the hospitalization rate according to age group, because elderly people aged 60 to 64 years represented 14.2% of hospitalizations, while the share of elderly aged 80 years, or more was the most hospitalized (35.2%). The same is true for the mortality rate, in which 12.1% of the elderly between 60 and 64 years old died and this number rises to 46.1% when above 80 years of age. There was a peak of hospitalizations in 2019 (9.8%) followed by a fall in 2020 (6.4%). This research is important for measures to be established, improving the planning of actions aimed at the hospital context, assisting in preventive measures.
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