The benefits of physical therapy on functionality and risk of falls in Parkinson's Disease: a case study
Parkinson's Disease, Rehabilitation, PhysiotherapyAbstract
Introduction: Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease whose diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms, mainly muscle stiffness, resting tremor, bradykinesia, and postural changes, which directly affect the functionality and quality of life of patients with this condition. Objective: to report the case of a patient diagnosed with PD and to verify the effects that a physical therapy program can provide on their functionality and risk of falls. Case report: The research was conducted with a 67-year-old patient diagnosed with PD who was followed up at the Physical Therapy service. After agreeing to the Informed Consent Form, the physical therapy evaluation of the patient was carried out, consisting of sociodemographic and health information, physical examination, in addition to the assessment of their functionality and risk of falls, using the Functional Independence Measure and the Timed Up and Go (TUG), respectively. After the patient's evaluation, the procedures for the intervention were outlined based on the literature, namely: electrotherapy, thermotherapy, manual therapies, aerobic exercises, stretching, free and resistance active exercises, dual-tasking, gait and balance training. After the application of the intervention, the patient improved the degree of strength for most of the muscle groups, improvement in ranges of motion that were previously limited and in balance. In addition, it was possible to notice an improvement in the execution time of TUG and a decline in its functionality. It is noteworthy that, during the intervention period, the patient suffered a case of dengue fever with consequent hospitalization, which impacted the gains of the rehabilitation process and may justify the limitation in its functionality. Discussion: the results demonstrate the importance of long-term interventions, considering that PD is chronic and progressive, and the benefits of physical therapy can be lost after a period of training. Therefore, exercise performed regularly can influence dopamine levels, increasing them or even reducing their catabolism, it can induce neuroprotection and possibly prevent the onset of PD or delay its progress and secondary complications.
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