Night eating syndrome: the lack of control at dawn


  • Ana Beatriz da Silva Ferreira Centro Universitário do Pará



Prevalence, Weight reduction, Night eating syndrome


Night eating syndrome is an eating disorder little addressed in the literature with unknown etiology, characterized by a change in the dietary pattern in which most of the food is consumed at night that mainly affects students, night shift workers, adults, overweight and who are in treatment for weight reduction or in preparation for bariatric surgery. Psychological factors such as anxiety and depression are associated with the development of the syndrome, or it's worsening. From this, the objective of this study is to analyze and synthesize the main contributions of the literature on the Night Eating Syndrome, aiming at a comprehensive understanding of the clinical aspects and causes. This is an integrative review of the qualitative approach literature, carried out from October to November 2023 in the PubMed and Scielo databases. A search was carried out from the intersection of descriptors and their combinations in the Portuguese and English language, in addition to using the Boolean operator "and". Articles associated with the proposed theme, articles available online, free and published in the last seven years and excluded works that were not in Portuguese and English, duplicated or incomplete. It was found that the prevalence of the syndrome was in male individuals who studied during the day and worked in the afternoon or at night, in addition, stressful situations, anxiety and depression aggravated or triggered the syndrome. Therefore, there is a need for a multidisciplinary approach in the understanding and treatment of this condition.

Author Biography

Ana Beatriz da Silva Ferreira, Centro Universitário do Pará

Nutricionista pelo Centro Universitário do Pará, pós graduada em Nutrição Materno Infantil pela Faculdade Metropolitana


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. B. da S. (2024). Night eating syndrome: the lack of control at dawn. EVISTA SAÚDE ULTIDISCIPLINAR, 16(1).