Diagnostic incompatibility of pediatric patients assisted by the Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional from Mineiros – Goiás in 2018


  • Maria Eduarda de Oliveira MATTOS Acadêmica de Medicina da Faculdade Morgana Potrich – FAMP, Mineiros, GO, Brasil.
  • Matheus Vanzin BONIFÁCIO Acadêmico de Medicina da Faculdade Morgana Potrich – FAMP, Mineiros, GO, Brasil.
  • Tiago Resende TELLES Acadêmico de Medicina da Faculdade Morgana Potrich – FAMP, Mineiros, GO, Brasil.
  • Daniel Garcia SILVA Docente do curso de Medicina da Faculdade Morgana Potrich – FAMP - Mineiros/ GO, Brasil


Defeitos Congênitos;, Deficiência;, Diagnóstico;, Diagnóstico Diferencial;, Erros de Diagnóstico.


The knowledge of the etiology of the syndromes offers a better proximity to the appropriate conducts in the clinical practice, avoiding unnecessary exams and proposing greater strategies of prevention and rehabilitation. Regarding this, the deficiencies have varying degrees of severity, a multidisciplinary group is required to elucidate a clinical and a etiological diagnosis with coverage in an adequate care. Taking into account the scarcity of epidemiological data on the neuropsychomotor diseases and incapacitating syndromes not diagnosed in the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) of Mineiros - Goiás, the survey aimed to investigate clinically patients from newborn to fifteen years who presented syndromic characteristics of genetic or metabolic diseases and / or acquired peripartum. The methodology was based on a documentary, cross-sectional and quantitative study carried out through the access of medical records and interviews with patients and their caregivers in the year 2018 and 2019. When it comes to discuss about the sujbect, it was possible to clarify the patients' diagnosis, verifying a diagnostic incompatibility of 8 , 33%. It was observed that 66.6% of the data collected were new diagnoses of patients who did not have documentation until then. However, it was not possible to obtain the clinical diagnosis, with only etiologic diagnosis due to the lack of information. In addition to knowing the main disorders that affect the people attended by the APAE, the research was extremely important to propose a reassignment of these in classrooms suitable for each group, aiming at an individualized and specialized multidisciplinary care for better evolution of the clinical picture of the students.



How to Cite

MATTOS, M. E. de O. ., BONIFÁCIO, M. V. ., TELLES, T. R. ., & SILVA, D. G. . (2020). Diagnostic incompatibility of pediatric patients assisted by the Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional from Mineiros – Goiás in 2018. EVISTA SAÚDE ULTIDISCIPLINAR, 8(2). etrieved from http://revistas.famp.edu.br/revistasaudemultidisciplinar/article/view/126

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