Nanoparticles, Biomarkers, Cancer, TreatmentAbstract
Nanotechnology is an emerging scientific field that allows manipulation of the environment at the atomic and molecular level. The term cancer is given to a group of diseases whose main characteristic is the rapid multiplication of abnormal cells. Conventional treatments used for cancer are based mainly on the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgeries, nonspecific treatments concerning target cells, because antineoplastic drugs can reach normal cells, especially those that have constant renewal, causing adverse reactions. Nanomedicine, when focused on cancer treatment, offers patients an alternative and less invasive form of treatment. Its mechanism is done utilizing drug nanocarriers, which offer flexibility in dosage and release kinetics. Even with several articles demonstrating the potential advantages of nanoparticles over diseases, this technique encounters several clinical challenges concerning their development. Thus, the combination of advances in nanotechnology and biomaterial development becomes the most promising hope for the survival of cancer patients. This study aimed to explain briefly the factors related to cancer by focusing on the applications of nanoparticles in the treatment and diagnosis of the same. It is also important to highlight that this study will describe its benefits compared to conventional pharmacotherapy.
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