The application of ozonio in the various specialties of dentistry: literature review
Ozonio, Ozoniotherapy, Application in Dentistry, Complementary Treatment, Contraindication.Abstract
Ozone consists of being gas, with molecular form O3, structured from the rupture of an oxygen corpuscle by the action of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, besides being a colorless gas, accompanied by a very strong odor at room temperature or in very low amounts and that can oscillate with temperature. Therefore, ozone therapy is a procedure that allows the technique of joining the gas mixture of ozone and oxygen. She has been acting as an alternative therapy since 1880 in the USA. In Brazil, it has been used in several medical specialties since 1928, and in dentistry, he began in the mid-1950s by the dentist Edward A. Fisher, who handled ozoned water for disinfections of lesions in oral surgeries. Minimally invasive and cost-effective with structural standards that allow for extensive functionality and a broad biological aptitude to combat anti-inflammatory actions, immunostimulants, antimicrobial, antihypoxic, bioenergetic, biosynthetic, that is, acting directly in the deactivation of viruses, interruption of hemorrhages and annihilation of fungi and bacteria, having a great concept in dentistry, because oral diseases are mostly infectious origins. In view of the following facts, this literature review is based on collecting data on the productivity of ozone therapy, in the various specialties of dentistry (endodontics, periodontics, dentistry, etc...), being described the way of its use, advantages, disadvantages, contraindication and forms of employment (ozoned water, gaseous ozone and ozoned oil). For this, articles were collected from 2001, in the databases, PubMed, Scielo, Google academic and VHL. Objectives: Evidence of advantages and disadvantages, estimation of the success and failure of ozone use, cite the different modalities of ozone use and cover the productivity and therapy of ozone treatment.
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