Diagnosis and drug treatment in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis: literature review.




Tuberculosis, Diagnosis, Treatment


Tuberculosis is caused by a mycobacterium belonging to the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis group, which is characterized by being a disease responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide and is classified as a public health problem. This paper is based on a literature review whose objective was to present relevant information on the prevention, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, obtaining data on the subject in an analytical and critical manner, through literary research in databases such as Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), Google Scholar, Pubmed, Ministry of Health Manuals, with publications from 2009 to 2019. For the diagnosis of tuberculosis there are specific exams such as direct bacilloscopy, chest radiography, chest tomography, Diagnosis by IGRA, Molecular Rapid Test and Sputum Culture. Drug treatment is performed by therapeutic regimens that include four drugs, namely: Rifampicin, Izoniazida, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol, with a minimum duration of 6 months of treatment. Through this literature review work, we can highlight the importance of actions aimed at the prevention of tuberculosis, since its transmission occurs through the air, and the importance of making an early diagnosis so that it can reduce the spread of the disease to prevent it. other people and the need for actions aimed at the correct adherence to drug treatment, due to bacterial resistance due to the lack of information about the correct therapy during treatment, as it is among the most killer diseases in the world.



How to Cite

MARTINS, V. D. O. ., & MIRANDA, C. V. D. . (2020). Diagnosis and drug treatment in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis: literature review. EVISTA SAÚDE ULTIDISCIPLINAR, 7(1). etrieved from http://revistas.famp.edu.br/revistasaudemultidisciplinar/article/view/111